Online/Off-line E-Office Automation Solution.

e-Office automation is a solution what ensure your office smooth operation, minimal time consuming, minimal man power, reducing cost for your office management. SIMBIOSYS IT focus on a paperless or highly minimal paper uses for your office without breaking any working process and every level of security. We also focus on your employee, your valuable client and your reliable vendor.

SIMBIOSYS IT try to find out what you will need to manage your office, what is your expectation from an office management system. We know now a day's your HRM/Administration is busy for lot of record storage. Your store manager miss company asset record or you miss your valuable property only for mismanagement of store. Your Accounts executives are busy to create salary sheet, over time, bonus, lone as well as company daily transition. Your Executive is busy with your Client or vendor. So SIMBIOSYS IT tries to find out the best solution for you. Here the key feature of e-Office automation mention below.........

Employee Profile

Where you can store your all employee record. Maintain New recruitment, evolution, promotion, disclose. Employees official information, personal information, education, experience, tanning etc........

Daily Attendance

No need to maintain any register book or manual signature for employee attendance. Employee punch his/her ID card to access control mechanic attendance stored in database in real time. End of the month attendance, over time, leave, late coming, absent will be publish on a single click.....

Leave Management

Your employee apply leave application through system. System also maintain leave schedule, leave eligibility, leave approval from department and HR. Finally leave will automatic synchronize with monthly attendance.......

Regular Movement

Your system will maintain your employee daily movement through access control machine. Any time you will be acknowledge about your any man power.....

Client Follow-up

You are more concern about your valuable client. System store your client activities, up coming work order, marketing coordination, tender schedule, your market competitor etc......

Job Management

Your Executives are busy for there daily job. You have need to know job details for every man power. You have to know productivity of individual man power. System will maintain it.....

Meeting Management

You must not want to publish your meeting agenda by your peon or typist! System will send meeting agenda only concern person with highly confidentiality of your company......

Notice Management

All of your office notice publish through system. Also You can send notice for individual department or individual employee......

File Sharing

Company Executive need to share information one to another. More than that information should maintain security. So your system ensure storing and sharing information with highly security.......

Visitor Management

Some times your client and vendor visit your office on various purpose. Also there are lot of guest of your company in local or foreigner. You have to maintain security with co ordeal manner with your guest. You have no need to worried about it .Your front desk and your system are enough to manage it........


All of your office record can be stored in Archives. It may be reuseable file, photo, video, Software or any kinds of documents...............

Internal Chat

Your employees are free and frankly to use internal chat to communicate each other.......

Account & Payroll(added feature)

SYMBIOSYS Account & Payroll is designed to make your accounts even easier to manage and more mobile than ever. You can now log on and view your accounts from anywhere and almost any device  (mobile, notepad, black berry). This simple and easy to use software will allow you to manage pay roll, daily transaction, invoicing, purchases and vat in the click of a button and will produce a full trading, profit and loss and balance sheet......

Store Management(added feature)

Store Management System is the ideal software application for internal corporate/government agent material supply stores where inventory control and issue charge back are key concerns. Cost-effective, yet powerful and feature-rich, Store Management System effectively manages your inventory stock, keeps track of material issues and returns, and generates charge back to client accounts or business units.....


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