Easy Store Management System.
Easy Store Management System is a solution to maintain
your office store. Your store manager store lot of product for
every day needs of your office. Employees are requisition
necessary product or equipment. Product may have life time or
reusable. Your store manager purchase product, product allocate
to employee, product need to refund from employee, product may
sent to out of office, product need to receive from out side,
product can be damage or wastage. EASY Store Management System can maintain Whole
cycle of store mentioned above.
SIMBA Store Management System is exactly what Your company was looking for in your office. In the service industry, it really helps to be able to
access your office from any location. Store manager maintain all
kinds of purchase, Allocation, Receive Deal location, Damage,
Wastage and over all inventory. Here the key feature of SIMBA Store
Management System mention below...............
product with all information of product, purchase approval to
accuracy your cost and balance. Any time purchase report
according to supplier, product name, product type, or any other
description... |
Allocate product to employee or service. Your office may be any where in the
world, Store Manager can operate it any where. No data
manipulation is possible to any person of your executive.
Every allocation can trace out by correspondent employee, date, approve
Product may be return to Store from employee/Service.
It will possible your system with
De-Allocation. Product return will reflect your store inventory
atomically.......... |
Gate Pass
System create Gate pass to sent product out of office.
Gate Pass trace product responsibility, destination location,
product refund date, it also effect store inventory........ |
Your company need sent product to your client, System create challan with details product information, destination, responsible officer etc.
It also receive challan with product receive acknowledgement
from client........... |
Store Report
This is the most important module of your system.
Your manager get information from a single source to know about your store status.
All type of Allocation report, Anytime Inventory status, Product on store, Product on Pipe line to receiving, Over all allocation amount everything you get on a single click........ |
User Manager
Store user is very easy. Any time you
can control your Store Operation. Your business status is highly
secured from your executive level. Admin, Store
Manager, Store Executive all are responsible only for his
desired job. All jobs are well defined with corresponding
user.......... |